How I Explained Marriage Equality to My Daughter

When you take away the overpriced flowers and chalky candy hearts, Valentine’s Day is something worth celebrating. Love, in all its forms, is precious. So on this holiday that honors the most beautiful of human emotions, I’d like to talk families, mine and maybe yours.

Hot-Mess Humble

When sleep deprived and unable to move your thumbs, tidiness is the first virtue to go. You may have time to shower, on occasion, and keep the dishes from cultivating fungi, but chances are, you’re going to let a couple nights pass without picking up the toys or fighting with your kids to pick up. Then, at some point, you just decide not to bother. They are going to make a mess with them tomorrow. Just let them be. You begin the downward spiral to hot-mess humble without even feeling the suction.

Stop Judging and Just Parent

Many parents today have options generations before never imagined. Should you stay at home or pursue a career? Serve your children organic quinoa for dinner or hot dogs? From attachment to free-range parenting, we are faced with near-endless choices, and subsequently, the need to justify the decisions we make. I don’t believe judging one another is new. I…

Toeing the Line of Special Needs and Finding Our Balance

My daughter B has a sensory processing disorder that impacts the way she experiences the world. B is not autistic, at least not by today’s standards, but many of her sensory and anxiety issues are typical of autism. Until recently, children presenting her behaviors remained unclassified and untreated because in so many ways, B is “normal”. She’s highly…