About Barb Buckner Suárez

Barb Buckner Suárez is a Health Educator from Portland, OR who spends a lot of time teaching realistic expectations about pregnancy, birth and new parenting through her Childbirth Preparation and Becoming Us classes. She has four children of her own and tries to find the balance between getting ready to send the oldest off to college while chairing the 2nd grader's School Auction! When she's not working or parenting, she writes about all things bellies, birth and babies on her blog Birth Happens and she's currently tracking the North Star of her book about the gifts of vulnerability that come with the huge transformation of becoming a parent.

Posts by this author

mother and dauther at the beach

Being A Mom Leaves Stretch Marks on the Heart

I’ve never given my stretch marks a second thought. After all, they’re not that big, they’ve faded over time and aren’t very noticeable, and besides, I don’t regret any of them because they mark me as a mother.

I’d forgotten they were even there, to be honest. But the other morning as I stood bent over, eye-to-stretch mark, I couldn’t miss them. And suddenly, I had a thought about how a different type of stretch mark is happening to me right now. It’s one that no one else can see, but it marks me as a mother just the same.

My oldest daughter – the OG stretch mark maker, herself – left on Thursday to go halfway around the world to perform with her dance company, The Jefferson Dancers. They’re in the South of France (Ooh! La! La!) for ten days.

It’s my heart that’s being stretched right now – and it’s going to leave a mark for sure.